Wednesday, April 9, 2008

thoughts from an airplane...

Oh please lady, you and your baby are not allowed to sit here… there is a thick, invisible 10-foot radius… but that row back there looks good…

No really, why be grumpy to flight attendants? All they do is serve you, and then mock you all flight long for not knowing that there is in fact an off switch to your (yes it is an electrical device) ipod.

Did she just say the words, "once outside the aircraft?" Um... no thanks- I tuned out to the rest of that shpeal... don't think I want to know or care what will happen to me at that point...

"We don't expect that there will be a change in cabin pressure on this flight, but if one should occur..." So... is that only on special flights

This is me repenting for just realizing that I used to wish to see the tops of the clouds like Mary Poppins… and meanwhile, I have smiled at that thought on every flight for the past two years… which, my friends, has been a-plenty...

And speaking of that, I have learned to calm my fear of being blown out of the sky by imagining that we are a skipping rock on the top of water... If i close my eyes, the turbulence can be more like a bouncing boat on water... minus the sound, and the sun and the water... but kind of the same...

I love how the colored plots of land from up here remind me of a quilt… like an “earth” quilt, perhaps made in one of those cult quilt clubs for members to eventually put in a glass case, never to be touched again…

These clouds look more like lumpy chunks of cotton in a crappy pillow today… (the kind that your cousins would loan you on an overnight.) I think if you get closer to them it looks like that pretty whimsical cotton candy… apparently they weren’t going for romantic today…

Damn, that baby has a lot to say today…

I also love how my upbringing forces me to giggle a little as the landing gear rumbles underneath us to land and I think, “it’s a male plane…” —martin short.

Stephen Colbert should be in the pocket instead of these magazines and puking directions… he definitely makes the flight a breeze—laughing out loud next to this grumpy old man is even funnier…

Are we there yet?

stay tuned for pictures and updates from this weekend...
the much needed venture to DC with best friend was a success I must say...


  1. "You can see it's little balls!" Classic. Glad to hear that the trip went well. Do tell.

  2. Thank you for the entertainment. you are a joy!


cause they make me smile